ICC and African Union – bones of contentions and way forward In response to the campaign by the African Union and the Kenyan government, the Assembly of States Parties of the International Criminal Court (ICC) decided to amend the rules of procedure to allow accused persons with extraordinary public duties to attend trial processes from ...
The Real Reasons behind South Sudan Crisishttp://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinion/2013/12/real-reasons-behind-south-sudan-crisis-2013122784119779562.html Borne out of a post-independence political indulgence and inclination marked by the absence of any credible and meaningful reform, it was not surprising that the crisis in the SPLM erupted at the top echelon of political power. During the armed struggle for independence, the glue that kept the ...
http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinion/2013/11/from-barrier-bridge-20131161194806363.htmlThe Nile Basin ministerial meeting in Khartoum on Monday Nov 5th, Sudan is currently considering the recommendations of the International Panel of Experts (the Panel) on the Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (the Dam). The Panel evaluated the Dam and its socioeconomic, hydrological and environmental impact on Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia. Commenced in April 2011, the construction ...
The Future of the ICC and Africa: the good, the bad and the ugly. The other far-reaching negative implication of the Summit is the continued politicization of the ICC’s judicial role. Primarily due to the prosecutorial policies of the former Prosecutor, Mr Ocampo, the victory of Mr Kenyatta and Mr Rutto in the most recent ...
http://www.chimurengachronic.co.za/a-civil-society-of-african-states/ The current state of affairs of CSOs and think tanks in Africa is not different from the current leadership of African states and African political parties. While the leaders of the African CSOs and think tank harshly criticise African leaders for holding power for too long and in a very brutal manner, most of ...
http://www.diplomatist.com/dipom06y2013/story017.htmlJournal of Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Diplomatist Journal of Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Diplomatist -Dr Mehari Taddele Maru looks at the challenges and achievements of the Organisation of African Unity, the promises and successes of the transformation into the African Union and the areas of progress that would make AU the driver of change in the continent ...
Given that the same person, General Sissi, currently holds the ministries of defense and deputy premiership, it is clear that the leaders of the armed forces are in control of the transitional process. Thus, whether it is well prepared or not, the army now is in a no-win situation. On the one hand, reinstating Morsi ...
Between Coup and Revolution: the Egyptian Political and Legal Debacle With the current political quandary in Egypt, the disagreements about the definition, legal and political implications of designating the seizure of state power as a “coup d’état” have once again re-emerged. In this article I argue that the removal of President Mohamed Morsi is a ...
What Next for the AU End Norm-Setting, Focus on Norm Implementation The AU’s different normative and institutional frameworks are designed to enhance the Member States’ capacities to fulfill their responsibilities of delivery and democracy. The AU has more than 200 well-advanced legislative and policy frameworks on several issues covering the four pillars, including 43 treaties ...
The policy of integration and interventions are two parts of the new Pan Africanism. The end aim of integration is not simply the desire to be integrated; there is a purpose for it. Basically, integration is another means to have more resources at the disposal of the people: more jobs, more trade, more infrastructure, more ...