The African Union in Light of the Arab Revolts: An appraisal of the foreign policy and security objectives of South Africa, Ethiopia and Algeria

The fall of authoritarian regimes in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya has changed political dynamics on the African continent. One immediate concern has been the implications of these developments for the African Union (AU) and its member states. Would overall political dynamics in the AU be changed? Would the most powerful member states use the altered ...

AFISMA: Military ahead of politics

Political Reform in Bamako, Alienation of Nomadic Global Terrorist from Local Grievances and Military Action and Criminal Justice Measure against armed groups Published by AlJazeera Studies Center

On AU and NATO Relations

“The North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s Intervention in Libya and its Political and Legal Implications for the Peace and Security Architecture of the African Union: A View from Africa ” On AU and NATO

OAU/AU after 50

Although there are many internal and external reasons for the establishment of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU), in 1963, it can be encapsulated in what Emperor Haileselassie stated back then. “The task, on which we have embarked, the making of Africa, will not wait. We must act, to shape and mould the future and ...

Quest for New Causes of Pan African Solidarity: Re-defining Pan Africanism for the 21st Century

An extension of the Organization of African Unity (OAU), the AU will celebrate its 50th year anniversary. This article I attempt to answer the question what is Pan Africanism for the 21st Century Pan-Africanist? In a bare outline style the last five decades of the OAU/AU could be divided into three eras: the Era of ...

“Three Questions to Mehari Taddele Maru” Italian Institute for Studies of International Politics (ISPI)

The nature, triggers and causes of the crisis in Mali, the consequences and implication of intervention to Mali and the region as well as the role of ECOWAS, AU, French in solving the crisis. In this article I argue that with the French intervention, the advances in Military Font and the delays in Political Progress ...

The African Union and Its New Chairwoman as Drivers of Change in Africa

New Route Life and Peace Institute   The African Union’s first decade has seen great challenges, some of which have been met with considerable success by the AU, with special mention of the total rejection of unconstitutional changes of government. Since 2002 there is a strong wave of democratisation across the African continent, but the ...

Rethinking and reforming the African Union Commission elections

Rethinking and reforming the African Union Commission elections
Recently, in July 2012, the high-profile and bitterly fought nine-month race for the post of Chair of the African Union (AU) Commission, between Dr Jean Ping of Gabon, and his main challenger, Dr Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, culminated in the latter’s victory. Her victory came after the deadlock at the Eighteenth AU Summit in January 2012. Borne ...

The North African Uprisings under the African Union ‘s Normative Framework

The North African Uprisings under the African Union ‘s Normative Framework
A year or so after the North African uprisings that took every body by surprise, it is now time to critically examine the nature of the uprisings, their causes and consequences, and AU’s response. The paper discusses the current events in North Africa vis-à-vis the AU’s normative frameworks related to constitutionalism and democracy. The AU ...

The First Ten Years of AU and Its Performance in Peace and Security

PSC Ten Years On No region is more plagued with violent conflicts than Africa. The presence of more than 11 peacekeeping mis-sions composed of nearly 50,000 strong UN and AU peacekeepers in areas such as Darfur, Abyei, Somalia and the Democratic Republic of Congo, as well as thousands of western military forces in Djibouti, are ...