Quest for New Causes of Pan African Solidarity: Re-defining Pan Africanism for the 21st Century 3

An extension of the Organization of African Unity (OAU), the AU will celebrate its 50th year anniversary. This article I attempt to answer the question what is Pan Africanism for the 21st Century Pan-Africanist? In a bare outline style the last five decades of the OAU/AU could be divided into three eras: the Era of Pan-African Solidarity that mainly mobilized the anti-colonial and anti-apartheid struggle of Africa; the Era of Confusion and Division in which the Cold War brought ideological struggle between supporters of the West and the East that led to conspiratorial and undemocratic political mobilizations, dictatorial governance styles, bloody political changes through military coups, revolutions and civil wars. Since the North African uprisings of the 2011, Africa is now in the Era of Popular Uprisings and Democratic Progress.

By re-inventing Pan-Africanism for the 21st century Africa, the AU at this moment in time needs to move to a new era of delivery and democracy. By emphasizing the re-definition of Pan-African solidarity, poverty eradication and constitutional democratization should constitute the new frontiers of Pan-African progress.

Quest for New Causes of Pan African Solidarity: Re-defining Pan Africanism for the 21st Century

3 thoughts on “Quest for New Causes of Pan African Solidarity: Re-defining Pan Africanism for the 21st Century

  1. Mammo Muchie Feb 8,2013 3:18 pm

    Very reflective.. good to come to know a fellow pan-African. All Ethiopians must recognise they can only be pan-africanists. Otherwise they will betray their ancestors who fought for the dignity of those who fell under the colonial yoke.

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