The EU-Africa nexus: promise and purpose Authored by Fabrizio Tassinari and Mehari Taddele Maru @DrMehari and @f_tassinari Only by recognizing and sharing the values derived from its unique transnational experience can Europe meet the promise of its holistic partnership with Africa. On her first week in office, newly elected president of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen made Ethiopia the destination ...

The Nobel Prize for Abiy Ahmed: Turning an irony into an opportunity

@DrMehari The award of the Nobel Peace Prize to Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Ali of Ethiopia seems full of irony, and in many ways – perhaps too many.  But first, and following convention, one must congratulate the new Laureate. It would be improper not to recognize the honor merely because of seriously-held disagreements with the ...

Barriers to free movement in Africa: How to remove them?

While the African Union (AU) has developed ambitious plans for continental free trade it is becoming clear that free movement of people lags behind. This blog identifies six obstacles that impede progress on free movement for people in Africa and considers the prospects for future development. The AU Summit held in Niger on July 7 ...

A new cold war in Africa @DrMehari Increasing tensions between China and the US will be detrimental to African prosperity and peace. Last week, the 12th US-Africa Business Summit, a high-level event attended by 11 African heads of state and government and some 1,000 business leaders, was held in Maputo, Mozambique. During the three-day event, US officials unveiled a $60bn ...

Lessons for Africa from the Economic Development of China and India

Originally published in the African Union Commission’s “The Bulletin of Fridays of the Commission” Current discussions on Africa–China relations unsatisfactorily focus mainly on China’s interests in Africa and its unconditional assistance extended to undemocratic governments in Africa. Therefore, it is important to discuss bilateral trade and China’s interests in Africa particularly in terms of the ...

Can the regional economic communities support implementation of the African Governance Architecture (AGA)? The case of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD)

Originally published as discussion paper by the European Centre for Development PolicyManagement (ECPDM) The African Governance Architecture (AGA) and African Governance Platform were established in 2011 bythe 16th ordinary session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the African Union (AU).Launched as an effort Òtowards greater unity and integration through shared valuesÓ, ...

What does the future hold for South Sudan?

Originally published by Al Jazeera as an Op-Ed With more than two million deaths and millions more displaced after a war that has lasted five decades, Africa’s newest nation, South Sudan, is now the first country to be dubbed a “pre-failed” state. An appropriate, if oxymoronic, term suggests that South Sudan, born in July 2011, ...

From a barrier to a bridge

Originally published by Al Jazeera as an Op-Ed “The IPoE has overwhelmingly agreed that the Renaissance Dam will not bring significant harm to the water security of Egypt and Sudan,” writes the author [Reuters] Plagued by misinformation, misunderstanding and distortion, the debate over the Nile and the new Renaissance Dam should begin with a direct ...

Africa-EU Partnership: Dialogue and Capacity for Delivery

Originally published in the online publication The Global Game has Changed The 4th Africa-EU Summit was held at a unique period due to four important developments: the crises in South Sudan, Central African Republic, and Mali, and the ensuing upheavals in Libya, Egypt and Tunisia, the new leadership at the African Union Commission (AUC), and ...

African-Led International Support Mission in Mali (AFISMA): Military ahead of Politics

Originally published as a report by Al Jazeera Center for Studies Held on 29 January 2013 under the chairmanship of Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn, the 20th African Union Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa conducted a pledging conference for the African-led International Support Mission in Mali (AFISMA) and the Malian Defence and Security Forces (MDSF). ...