‘Resetting’ AU-NATO relations: From ad hoc military-technical cooperation to strategic partnership

‘Resetting’ AU-NATO relations: From ad hoc military-technical cooperation to strategic partnership
A significant milestone and a major diplomatic progress, on 8 May 2014, an agreement has been signed between the African Union Commission and NATO on establishment and status of a NATO Liaison Office in Addis Ababa.The generally states that NATO will “provide support to the AU as requested by the AUC, in particular to the ...

Transitional Peaceful Process for South Sudan: The best scenario, the most desirable, but the least probable

If effectively implemented with the will of SPLM and all opposition groups, yesterday’s agreement for transitional government of some kind offers the best scenario I depicted in my recent long-interview. Despite being the most desirable, this scenario still remains least probable as it is mainly dependent on the political will of the political parties and leaders. ...

The Implications of the Crisis in South Sudan on AU Mediation Efforts

South Sudan Crisis adds challenges to the North-South and North-North mediation Also on the ongoing negotiation process between South Sudan and Sudan was used as an excuse to not focus on democratisation and delivering basic services to the citizens of both countries.  Sudan’s President Al-Bashir could use the ongoing border conflict, the internal schism within ...

The International Criminal Court and African Leaders: Deterrence and Generational Shift of Attitude

The International Criminal Court and African Leaders: Deterrence and Generational Shift of Attitude On 15 November 2013, immediately after the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) voted against the African Union’s (AU) request for deferral of the trials of Kenya’s President Uhuru Kenyatta and Vice President William Ruto for a year, the United Kingdom (UK) Permanent ...

Op-Ed on AlJazeera on the AU Summit

AU Summit: http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinion/2014/01/au-summit-too-little-too-late-201412164643828344.html Testifying to the interventionist mandate of the AU, the union has responded – albeit too little, too late – to many of the crises in Africa with mixed degrees of success. Counterfactual analysis would better offer the prism through which we can see the limited successes of AU, by raising hypothetical questions such ...

Towards Africa-EU Brussels Summit: Dialogue and Capacity for Delivery

Towards Africa-EU Brussels Summit: Dialogue and Capacity for Delivery A partnership characterized by fatigue and frustration For varied reasons, those regularly engaged in the Africa-EU partnership tend to exhibit a degree of fatigue and frustration. If not addressed during the Brussels summit and 4th partnership period, the ongoing fatigue and frustration may grow to mutually assured ...

The crisis in South Sudan and its implications for Ethiopia

The crisis in South Sudan and its implications for Ethiopia Ethiopia’s active mediation role in the current crisis is commendable and justified. While IGAD under the leadership of Ethiopia provides the best vehicle for dialogue, Ethiopia has a very high stake in this crisis due to a number of factors. A peaceful region, the two ...

ICC and African Union – bones of contentions and way forward

ICC and African Union – bones of contentions and way forward In response to the campaign by the African Union and the Kenyan government, the Assembly of States Parties of the International Criminal Court (ICC) decided to amend the rules of procedure to allow accused persons with extraordinary public duties to attend trial processes from ...

The Crisis in South Sudan and Its Causes

The Real Reasons behind South Sudan Crisishttp://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinion/2013/12/real-reasons-behind-south-sudan-crisis-2013122784119779562.html Borne out of a post-independence political indulgence and inclination marked by the absence of any credible and meaningful reform, it was not surprising that the crisis in the SPLM erupted at the top echelon of political power. During the armed struggle for independence, the glue that kept the ...

From a barrier to a bridge The Ethiopian Renaissance Dam: a trigger towards transformed and cooperative relations? Op-Ed in Al Jazeera on the Renaissance Dam

http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinion/2013/11/from-barrier-bridge-20131161194806363.htmlThe Nile Basin ministerial meeting in Khartoum on Monday Nov 5th, Sudan is currently considering the recommendations of the International Panel of Experts (the Panel) on the Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (the Dam). The Panel evaluated the Dam and its socioeconomic, hydrological and environmental impact on Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia. Commenced in April 2011, the construction ...