Migration policy-making in Africa : determinants and implications for cooperation with Europe

This paper focuses on African policy positions on migration to Europe and towards cooperation on migration with the EU and its Member States. It draws on existing research to discuss the key features and drivers of migration policies in Africa. Paying attention to both commonalities and variations across different national economic and political contexts, the ...

The developmental state experience in Ethiopia and Rwanda : lessons for Libya?

Libya’s present complicated transitional situation offers an opportunity to discuss a newstate model which is less path-dependent and more reflective of the country’s long-term peace anddevelopment needs. Libyans have an opportunity to choose between the liberal market-led model, thedevelopmental state model or the welfare state model as an in-between. They may also choose to blendand ...


Original article: https://addisstandard.com/op-ed-ending-ethiopias-armed-conflicts-a-modest-proposal/ In my March 5, 2019 article, can Ethiopia make the transit to stability? I discussed in more detail the causes and dynamics of the political changes in Ethiopia, leading to unintended consequences with far-reaching implications for the stability of the country. I also considered five scenarios — Consensus Federalism, Transitional Government, Dictatorship, Confederate ...

The civil war in Ethiopia: death, displacement and a humanitarian crisis

Original article at: https://blogs.eui.eu/migrationpolicycentre/the-civil-war-in-ethiopia-death-displacement-and-a-humanitarian-crisis/ On December 09 2020, the Ethiopian government has admitted that it has fired at and arrested UN staff who were visiting refugee camps in Tigrai. Early this month, UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi called for USD147 million in international support to help refugees from Tigrai, northern Ethiopia. He also called, as did other ...

Ethiopia’s war is threatening domestic and regional stability

Original Article at: https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2020/12/4/the-international-community-should-help-end-ethiopias-war/ On Sunday, Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed announced the end of his government’s military offensive on Tigray after Tigrayan forces withdrew from the regional capital, Mekelle. Debretsion Gebremichael, who leads the Tigray regional state and Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), however, said in a phone interview with the Associated Press a day later that fighting ...

African and European migration diplomacy: a checklist and suggested future direction

Original article at: https://blogs.eui.eu/migrationpolicycentre/african-and-european-migration-diplomacy-a-checklist-and-suggested-future-direction/ Andrew Geddes and Mehari Taddele Maru While EU member states and citizens debate the new EU Pact on Migration and Asylum, it is clear that migration has been, is and will continue to be an integral part of the relations between African and European countries. A ‘strong external dimension’ takes a ...

Africa’s Scorecard in Countering Covid-19

Original article at: https://www.ispionline.it/en/pubblicazione/africas-scorecard-countering-covid-19-26520 According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the number of people who have contracted COVID-19 has surpassed 7.6 million, while the death toll is more than 420,000. In Africa, altogether, there are more than 220,000 confirmed cases with 5,900 deaths. The African Union (AU) has provided a platform on which layers of responsibility extend upwards ...

The Nile Rivalry and Its Peace and Security Implications: What Can the African Union Do?

The first and the second meetings between Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan on the GrandEthiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) ever to be led by the African Union (AU) took placeon June 26, 2020, and recently from 2-13 July 2020.On June 27, 2020, the AU issued a communiqué setting out the decisions of themeeting, which was called and ...

Can Trump resolve the Egypt-Ethiopia Nile dam dispute?

Original article at: https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2020/4/26/can-trump-resolve-the-egypt-ethiopia-nile-dam-dispute/ In early February, officials from Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan announced in a joint statement that they had cleared the way for the filling and operation of a disputed mega-dam being built by the Ethiopian government on the Nile River. The statement, which came on the back of months of US-led negotiations, caused many to believe the ...

Africa Versus Coronavirus: Four Much-Needed Capabilities

Original Analysis at: https://studies.aljazeera.net/en/reports/africa-versus-coronavirus-four-much-needed-capabilities For many African countries, prevention of Coronavirus has no alterative as financial and structural demands of treatment far exceed capabilities. Without stricter measures, the infection curve will be exponential and flattening it will take a long time with more deaths. The spread of Coronavirus, COVID-19, has now hit almost all African ...