Africa’s foreign policy must focus on continental needs

Originally Published on: ISS Today

Co-Authored Article:

The international order is being challenged by tensions between the global north or West and the emerging global south powers, particularly the BRICS+ group. In a divided world, major and middle powers from both sides are courting Africa, as seen in the many summit meetings and billion-dollar investment pledges.

But do these partnerships strengthen Africa’s position on the world stage as the African Union (AU) claims?

Some argue that Africa has a unique opportunity to help shape a future world order, owing to its demography, critical minerals and importance in diplomatic and geopolitical alliances. It could advocate for more equitable representation within its various partnerships and in key international institutions such as the United Nations (UN) Security Council. The multiplicity of engagements thus enhances Africa’s agency in global affairs.

The continent must focus on strengthening its own institutions, resolving internal conflicts and building economic resilience before committing significant resources to broader international issues where its interests are not at stake.

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